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Walking Connection Blog 

We've Got Stories To Tell... Yours and Ours.

It's A Jungle Out There

by Jo Ann Taylor, co-founder of Walking Connection and iConquer Adventures

With the recommendations to wear a face mask and to socially distance, it brought me back to a time that we spent in the jungle...

We had traveled a great distance to reach Greystoke Mahale on the far-flung shores of Lake Tanganyika, thickly fringed by tropical green. Our incentive to brush off the rigors of long haul travel was to encounter our closest animal relative, the chimpanzee in their natural habitat.

To partake, we followed strict guidelines to minimize the transmission of any contagious disease. Simply wear a face mask, keep a distance of 10 meters, and do not participate if you have any sign of cold or flu. Sound familiar?

The rules are for the chimpanzees' protection. The mildest of disease passed from humans can be fatal to the most vulnerable members of our extended family.

Setting out into the mountains, we were unsure of how far we would need to trek. Would the chimps appear just around the corner, or would our guided search take us arduously up the densely forested slopes? We enthusiastically donned our masks and were ready for a great adventure.

Then suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, and right before our very eyes...this happened:

It's a jungle out there:

Wear A Mask - Wash Your Hands - Social Distance


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