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Walking Connection Blog 

We've Got Stories To Tell... Yours and Ours.


I am NOT going to talk to you about New Year’s Resolutions…a new year, a new you and a fresh start. In with the new – out with the old…blah blah blah. Anyway by now most have been forgotten.

Today is my 1538TH day of walking consecutively….

What I want to tell you about, is that twice before, at the beginning of a new year I said I was going to walk every day for the entire year. Both times I almost made it, even if I had to adjust my goal a few times. As it turns out, I never did finish.

It wasn’t until I set a goal that was manageable for me at that particular time in my life, that I became successful. I knew that it takes 30 days to make something a habit. So there it was, I just had to WALK 30 days in a row. I also knew that even ten minutes of exercise has positive health benefits (read my TMC theory). So no matter how busy I got or where I was in the world, I could find at least ten minutes to walk – EVERY day.

On November 2, 2009 I started my 30 day pursuit. It wasn’t a particularly special day, other than being a Monday. It wasn’t the beginning of a new year and there wasn’t a big event on the horizon. It was just a day like any other which, means that it held an opportunity to make a positive change in my life, if I chose to make it.

But this story is not about me, it’s about…

…NEVER GIVING UP! For all of you that have gotten sidetracked on any goal, whether it was to walk every day, run a marathon or hike to Machu Picchu, TODAY you have an opportunity to push the RESTART button. But before you do, make sure that the goal you set is the right one for you and that you set it up for success. Small bits. Short time commitments are key. There is no better time to start than right here, right NOW!

And as always I invite you to… Come Walk With Me!


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