Are excuses getting in the way of sticking with your active lifestyle?
“I’m too tired! I don’t have time! It’s too hot! It’s too cold! It’s too early! It’s too late! I have company! I’m getting company! I have to take the kids to practice! I’m too depressed! I’m celebrating! It hurts! It’s boring! I can’t go because I have to floss my teeth! (Someone really said this to me.) Oh I’ll start on Monday!”
12 ways to help you make it stick:
Set short term and long term realistic goals.
Plan rewards for when you accomplish your goals.
Vary your walk/run/bike route to avoid boredom.
Keep a daily log of your activities.
Remember all the reasons why you started in the first place.
Think about how good you feel after you are active.
Keep up your energy: carry healthy snacks with you wherever you go.
Keep a pair of athletic shoes in your car, just in case an opportunity to walk arises.
Be flexible – have a plan B…or C.
Focus on your successes especially when you get off track.
Schedule time for YOU in your appointment book.
Walk with a friend!