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Walking Connection Blog 

We've Got Stories To Tell... Yours and Ours.

The Green Scene by Jo Ann Taylor

by Jo Ann Taylor - Co-founder of Walking Connection and iConquer Adventures

Green is one of my favorite colors. It's the color of spring and new beginnings. The color of nature in all its glory! After the rains, when the Sonoran Desert turns green and purple and yellow, it draws me to be outside -  I find that it even restores depleted energy when I go for my walks.

So many images come to mind when you think green: Green grass, the grass is greener, greener pastures, emerald green. green tea, evergreen, Mr. Green Jeans, green with envy, putting green, Green Bay Packers, green eyed monster, green beans, green card, green thumb, green room, green around the gills, greenhorn, green light, greenway, sea green, go green...

...Not to mention the 40 shades of green in Ireland.

Have you been? Well it certainly is not an exaggeration. Gene and I spent a few weeks walking the beautiful Irish countryside in search of what's new. It was a reminder that being surrounded by all of that green gives you a sense of balance and harmony. And isn't that what a vacation should do? Come Walk With Me!

The Walking Connection offers a variety of hiking trips in Ireland, both self drive and guided so you too can experience "the Green Scene." From island hopping Cork & Kerry in the south to exploring the Causeway Coastal Route and Donegal in the north. Your vacation, your way.


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