That is “the things that life it too short to do list.” This was an article that I wrote in 1998 for our then paper newsletter. Yes paper! Now seems pretty archaic not to mention environmentally unfriendly. This month marks 23 years since the Walking Connection was founded by my husband Gene and I. But as much as things seem to change the words written still ring true…
“It has been about ten years (now 25 years!) since walking has become such an important part of my life. Since the beginning, I have been walking and talking, listening and learning. Over the many miles I’ve tread, I have had the opportunity to get to meet and know many wonderful people from “all walks of life.” I feel fortunate that many have told me that something I have said or that the Walking Connection has inspired them. Motivation and inspiration were both words we used when we set out on this journey. I am proud and it makes me feel good to know that in many cases we have been successful in accomplishing that. For me personally, it has also been a two-way street. The many special people I have walked with have inspired me. Through their endeavors, courage and successes, they have left an indelible mark on my spirit which is truly a deep source of motivation to me.”
“One of the most important lessons I have learned is that no matter how well you think you have things planned, you can never really know what tomorrow will bring. Sometimes, in just a matter of seconds, something happens and our lives can be completely changed forever. My personal goal is to live each day to the fullest. Often, in our hurried lifestyles, we take the gift of life, our health and the people around us for granted. We neglect our real priorities such as the things that give us personal meaning and fulfillment.”
“Actress Linda Carter, (aka Wonder Woman) spoke at the recent Arizona’s Family Women’s Expo. She talked about her “list”. This list is her ”the things that life is too short to do list,” and it is comprised of all the meaningless things that drain energy away from our spirit rather than nurturing it. Many of these things seem very important at the time, but if you take a few moments and let some time pass, you get a better perspective of their relative importance in your life. I know that since hearing her speak, my “life is to too short” list has grown considerably.”
“As the pace of living continues to ever quicken, I hope you will take some time and make your own “too short” list. Take care of yourself by putting things on that list that negatively effect your mind, body and spirit. Take time to laugh out loud. Connect with the beauty of nature. Share a smile. Be curious. Learn something new. Take deep breaths — often. Meet someone new. Listen to a different perspective. Be a kid. Hop, skip and jump. Take time for quiet moments. Make time for great walks and hopefully, find time to.
